Tell the Conference Committee to protect Public Schools!

The final tax bill proposal takes away important tools for local governments to generate revenue through state and local tax deductions, and bars school districts from using cost-effective means to refinance debt. At a time when many education budgets are still below 2008 levels, this may put tremendous pressure on school board members and districts to unnecessarily find other ways to cover budget shortfalls and result in a “tax on a tax” for American households. Further, federal legislation that incentivizes investment in private and religious schools through tax advantages sends the wrong message and is an attack on public schools.

Please urge members of the Conference Committee to OPPOSE the inclusion of any provisions in a final tax reform bill that would: limit full deductibility of state and local taxes (SALT), expand 529 education savings accounts to cover tuition costs for private elementary and secondary schools, and eliminate important tax-exempt financing tools for municipal bonds that school districts rely on for school infrastructure repairs, modernization and new construction for safe and healthy learning environments.


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