Farmers need access to credit to buy land and grow their businesses. When other lenders have denied their applications, farmers can turn to the Farm Service Agency (FSA), a federal agency within the US Department of Agriculture.
All farmers deserve fair treatment at FSA, but our staff at RAFI have long witnessed farmers experiencing financial injustices as they attempt to access the resources that should be readily available to them. Farmers encounter obstacles and delays as they seek loans, and they often have to put up their homes as collateral in order to have their loans approved.
The Fair Credit for Farmers Act (S.2668, H.R.5296) will improve access and accountability in the FSA loan application and appeals process. It seeks a fundamental shift in the dynamic between farmers and FSA to a relationship where farmers have protections and can be joint partners with FSA staff in seeking farm success. Ask your legislators to support farmers’ access to credit and co-sponsor the Fair Credit for Farmers Act! Here's why calling your legislator doesn't have to be scary.
Farmers’ experiences at FSA - and their financial wellbeing - should not be dependent on the attitude of the person sitting in the county office. You, and Congress, can help!
To learn more about this issue and read farmer stories, check out our blog.
Note: we encourage you to use the calling function as the most effective way to impact your elected representatives - but if the call won't go through or a voicemail is full (this can happen during periods of high call volume), email is a great option too!